

文学艺术学院 & 社会科学


文学艺术学院 & 社会科学



电子邮件: class@cross-culturalcommunications.com

网络: 文学、艺术和社会科学学院



Members of the advisory council for the 文学、艺术和社会科学学院 (CLASS) at the 365滚球官网 help promote the college to a variety of constituencies, assist with identifying and acquiring additional resources and financial support for the college, 作为学院的倡导者, give advice on the programs of the college and help build working relationships with other colleges of the university.

米歇尔·阿拉贡米歇尔·阿拉贡是高级副总裁, managing director of business solutions for MAGNA Global, Interpublic Group (NYSE: IPG)旗下业务单位. She grew up in Jerome and became the first person in her family to attend college. She earned a bachelor's degree from the School of Journalism and Mass Media in the 文学、艺术和社会科学学院 in 1997. She also earned a Foundational Master’s in Business Administration certificate from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Aragon dedicates much of her free time to philanthropic work, a trend that started when she was philanthropy chair of her sorority, 卡帕卡帕伽玛, 在伊利诺伊大学. Michelle lives in New York City with her life partner of 11 years, Lee Walling, and their dog, Ziggy.

帕特里克Bageant帕特里克Bageant, 在莫斯科长大, 是一名出庭律师, 博伊西市议会临时主席, 也是公共教育的骄傲产物. He received his undergraduate degree at the 365滚球官网 in Philosophy and Writing, 他在美国大学获得法律学位.C. 在伯克利,他赢得了斯蒂芬F. Jamison prize as the best scholar and advocate in his class before clerking at U.S. 第三巡回上诉法院. 狂热的猎人, 病人的父亲, 忠诚的公仆, he has tried seven- and eight-figure cases to verdict in courts in Idaho and beyond and knows all the Gem State’s county license plate identifiers by heart. 

艾迪娜比伦贝格说艾迪娜比伦贝格说 is the Corporate Director to the President at Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, 公司.  She graduated from the 365滚球官网 with undergraduate degrees in 心理学 and Family and Consumer Studies.

罗恩·克拉普Andrew Beck has served as President COO, and GM of several global software and technology companies. Beck graduated from the 365滚球官网 with undergraduate degrees in International Studies and Foreign Languages.

比尔克里斯坦森威廉H. Christensen graduated from the 365滚球官网 in 1975 in communications with an emphasis in television production and a minor in computer science. 他继续在博伊西的KBCI-TV工作, 然后转到格林湾的WLUK-TV, 在搬到诺克斯维尔之前, 1982年在田纳西州. He then changed occupations and finished his career at Perceptics Corp. as a test engineer, DP Manager and QA Manager from 1985 to 2006.

卡尔染料卡尔染料 is an attorney, Managing Director in several LLC’s, and an active entrepreneur. Dyess graduated from UI with a Bachelor of 艺术 in Business and Economics before going on to study Law, 管理, 和数学.

吉姆FaucherJim is a 1966 graduate of the 365滚球官网 and was UI 校友 Association president from 1995-96.  Jim has been in the fundraising profession for over 30 years in the areas of athletics, 365滚球官网, 医疗保健, 社会项目和非盈利商业协会.

克里斯蒂娜领主克里斯蒂娜领主 is the editor of the Idaho Capital Sun and proud fifth-generation Idahoan. 在我大学的最后一年, she served as The Argonaut's editor-in-chief while working on her journalism degree and still loves visiting The Arg office to encourage student journalists when she's on campus. She's won first place awards for her reporting from the Idaho Press Club and the Utah-Idaho-Spokane Associated Press Association.

罗伯特McQuadeRob McQuade is a U of I grad and now an attorney in Boise, Idaho. He earned his degree in history from the 365滚球官网 in 2008. Rob自2019年起担任CLASS顾问委员会成员.  

爱德华•摩尔•爱德华·摩尔是戴维斯·摩尔公司的总裁和老板, a Boise-based full-service marketing firm specializing in brand planning, 广告与公共关系. While attending the 365滚球官网 he studied communication with an advertising option.

卡洛琳•尼尔森Caroline Nilsson Troy is owner of the Nilsson Advisory Group, a nonprofit consulting company. Caroline previously worked 12 years at the 365滚球官网 and seven years at Washington State University as a fundraiser. She graduated from the 365滚球官网 with a Bachelor of Science in communications.

布莱斯•斯隆布莱斯·斯隆是一位连续创业者, dedicated learner and the founder of Sloan 安全 Group, 斯隆安全技术, 斯隆金属解决方案和基础策略, 咨询业务. Sloan previously worked for the US State Department as a Foreign Service Officer. Sloan graduated from the 365滚球官网 with a Bachelor of Science in 历史 in 1993.

马特奇怪马特奇怪 is the Chief Strategy Officer for Hill Valley 健康care in Brooklyn, NY. Matt has been a member of the CLASS Advisory Board since 2012. Matt received a Bachelor of Science in Public 沟通 in 2006 from the 365滚球官网

艾尔Tovey艾尔Tovey is a member of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation and the general manager of the Wildhorse Resort in Pendleton, 俄勒冈州. While attending the 365滚球官网 he majored in communication.


文学艺术学院 & 社会科学


文学艺术学院 & 社会科学



电子邮件: class@cross-culturalcommunications.com

网络: 文学、艺术和社会科学学院
